Tuesday 13 April 2021

Action day!

 Tuesday, this day was so fun we got to redo our class vege garden we found all the kumara got rid of the raspberry bushes took out a whole lot of strawberrys found alot of squashy and even some pumpkin s we also found some beetroots and some carrots.

This all started when we took out all the kumara this job was an allday job because there were more than 100 kumara underground waiting for us to pick them. Then Rori,cash and I took out the raspberry bushes out and put them in some water. All the other kids were taking out weeds and strawberrys  every one was set.

Rori,Cash and I got rid of all the unwanted weeds and unwanted plants and put them in garden waste. We have a grape vine that we left on and it is full of grapes. We harvested alot of kia most of it will go to the school hangi.

This day made me feel very happy and it was very exthuaseding though. I never new how fun gardning was.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Max. Did you count all the Kumara?I like how you put unwanted in the las paragraph.


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