Friday, 16 October 2020

New term

Term 4! Yay back to school agian, We are already back at school. Doning prorites and workshops we are back in and running.  It summer here in nz and school is all ways better in summer because we have a . . . POOL!!!!! Hopefully soon we can swim in that pool and the year 6s are going on camp next week they are going to hastings for 4 days. 

We have also started to do athletics training wich is fun.  We do lots of sports activetes in athletics like ball throw, sprints and even high jump I could exsplain a lot more too. 

Friday, 18 September 2020

Moving, Farm and Movie

 On Monday we had to move from room 2 to the hall. It was a long process but we completed it in a day. You may be wondering why we moved, it was because it was time for renovations in our class so we had to move.  

At the farm, we learnt about how milk is made, how meat is cut, how to heard sheep and how to get good traps.  Milking cows is quite disgusting but it is still a job.  The meat was cut by a professional that has been a butcher for 30 years, 30 years I'm not even that old yet. The people at the farm said they use the best traps they said that they catch wild cats no offence cat lovers, stoats, weasels and possums sometimes rats and mice.

On Movie Day we watched Sleep Over it is a sick movie it's about these kids they have a sleep-over and find out their parents are robbers and steal expensive stuff this time they had to steal a crown worn by the queen it was worth 420 million dollars it was awesome we had popcorn and pizza too. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020


 This week we made icecream, But... We hade to write instuctions about how to make an icecream sunday and lots of people forgot about a spoon and had eat with their hands it was super funny but I got a spoon Yay!!! We added choclate suace,sprinkles and marshmellos too. It was so yum and it was a very cool exprience. 

Thursday, 3 September 2020


 On Tuesday we went to the beach, We built the great wall of gisborne. It could handle the biggest of waves we called him big chungus he was so fat. Big chungus had a flag it was red, We had to keep making him fatter so he could handle level 420, level 420 was the biggest wave it was 1 ft.  

The day before this we dug a massive hole and it fulled with water it was 150 . . . centere metere wide.  We made sand and absolutely destroyed him.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Learning Through play

 In learning through play this week, Me and 3 other people made a basketball hoop it was so sick we could take breathtaking shots.  It was intense to build but me and the boys lead it to victory.

REQUIREMENTS : 3x cardboard pipes, 1x roll of tape, 1x pear scissors and just cardboard.

Step 1, Stick all 3 pipes on top of each other with some tape

Step 2, Cut a 48cm, by 48cm square out of cardboard and stick it to the top of the three pipes with tape

Step 3, Then cut a 2cm thick line out of the cardboard that is ruffly 48cm

Step 4, Scurnch up some paper or use a hand ball walala.  

Wednesday, 5 August 2020


   We do rugby on Friday's at 12:30. We arrived at 12:00 and had 30 minutes of practice, We faced Manatuke they were big and chubby.  I got squashed by a big boy and it hurt.

All the people in our team are good First there is the fowards Cash,Stavis,Jackson and Archie then there is Milo is the first five and Rori is half back i'm left-wing and subed half back.  We lost 5-12  but is was all about fun in the end.

The was good I ate to much and felt sick. I regreted eating every thing I ate. Have you ever played rugby let?, me know in the comments.  

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Learnig through play

Ltp stands for learnig through play. The L is for learning T is for through and P is for play.  In ltp there are 4 options to choose from there is planet construction, 

It is a option for people who like to bulid stuff out of connetic blocks, There is junky monkey, 

junky monkey is all about taking things apart and reconstructing them into to something better, 

Then there is makey makey, this one is all about making things work using electricity,

And finally there is cardboard nation it is about cardboard and creating stuff with cardboard.


Wednesday, 22 July 2020

My 3 day hastings trip

In the school holidays my family and I went on a trip, We travelled to hastings a 3 hour drive in a cramed car with my anoying brother and sister it may sound horible, oh the car drive was but the stay in a 2 bedroom acomidation with lounge, kitchen and dining table was the best holiday ever.  We left gizzy at 4:00 o'clock and arivaded in wiaroa at around about 5:30 and had a toilet stop. 

 Back on the road at 5:45 o'clock and got to hastings at 7:00 and we found our holiday home and we unpacked and went to the heated pool.  I dived straight in and it was so warm and I stayed in for ages.

We went into town I was looking in stores for stuff I found a cool store there was a knifes and ninga blades.  I loved my holiday and it was so fun.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Grafitti writting


We are doing graffiti writing, We aren't actually going to do graffiti we might be able to if we get permission from the councle but unlikely.  We still create great sentences and friends and whanau can see. I will make a new blog post with my design on it.

I love street art. It is just so stylish and 

makes blank walls interesting.  Like look at this wall . . .   whitewashed wall | liz west | Flickr

Now look at this wall . . . 

See the difference it is just an awesome skill to have and you can also put out messages.  



Thursday, 25 June 2020


We made munus in MLH this week and it was awsome. We made digusting menu on stuff we don't like and one on stuff we do like.  Hers a link to the lstuff i like menu And the one with the stuff I dont't like

Try making your own menus it is fun, you may file and make a copy but change the name plz . . . 
I personly loved doing the menus it was just unique and fun for me and maybe you.

Thursday, 18 June 2020


 In MLH we were learning about bublles It may sound dum but I beg you not it was awesome . . . We had to create our own bubble mixture. We were in a group. My group was trying to make giant bubbles. I suggested edible bubbles but my group said NO!!!!! 

I read the recipe to my group and they got the ingredients and I added some of the ingrendents too.  I like making them, blowing them, not so much.

We started to blow bubbles. It wasn't working. We added some glucose and it still wasn’t working. It sadly didn’t work in the end but I am still happy because other teams gave us a turn.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Just dance

MLH does just dance after morning tea in the hall, lots of people may know what it is if you don’t it’s basicllay is where you copy dancers and do what they do, on a screen it's really fun I enjoy it.  There are single dances and groups (at most) 4 dances.  My favorite is waka waka.  It is a group of 4 and is about soccer.  You have to make a bicycle and jump onto your friends (or group) arms. 

MLH also makes it a discovery option, we have people who cycle through random dances. 5 year olds do it and 11 year olds do it.  I encourage you to try just searching on youtube or safari just dance.     There are thousands to choose from ( try waka waka it's really cool ) you are almost guaranteed to find your favorite song.  You copy dancers that dance to songs. It is a very cool thing that got invented. 

It is a very very awesome amazing thing to do on a rainy or sunny day. I hope you now want to try it.  

Thursday, 4 June 2020


Learning from home
Quarantine Means we were stuck at home it started 25 March wednesday and ended 18th may. 
We  had to do at least 2 google meets a week and did grid tasks.
We were in level 4 for most of the time it was AWESOME!!!!!!!
we didn’t have to go to the school building we could just chill at home. 

We did quite a bit of learning but it was all really fun stuff. 
We also did theme weeks like anzac week and animal week. 
There were many tasks to choose from. 

It was weird coming back to normal school but it was good to see friends.


Thursday, 27 February 2020

swimming sport

It was swimming sports, I was so nerveous, we fianly got on the bus and drove to enterprise pool. I was up 3rd  3 2 1 BEEP!  And were off,  I swam as fast as I could, we were doing freestlye we had to do 2 laps.
Then I did Backstroke 3 2 1 BEEP!! I pushed off the wall as hard as I could  TRYED my hardest and didn't stop till the end, my mum cherred GO! MAXI!.  



Thursday, 20 February 2020



It's been an 1st awsome week back to wainui, Last year was a blast and I hope this year is awsome to,we have done quick writes silent reading and I'm loving it in Moana HUB. 

This year I'm hoping to learn most of my time tables such as 3-5-6-7-8-9. We did this  game were you had run with a balloon  betwen our legs the girls poped there balloon It was so funny.

 Quick writes about chesse V.S choclate. Comment down below what one you would choose and why. In my opinion choclate. We have these things called buzz groups the teacher gave us a word and we had to find people that relate to our word my word was bovine comment if you think you know what that is little clue something to do with cows.

 In moana hub I like how your free to, choose two classes and there is lots of opurtunities like road patrols and house captain. We did this thing POP art we you got a piece of paper with are face on the back and had to copy our face and had to use adnormal colour